Jess Kichak Kovacs, O.D., R.N.
Professional and Personal Background
Dr. Jessamyn Kichak Kovacs has over 20 years of experience working with optometric patients. Prior to becoming an optometrist, Dr. Kichak Kovacs was an R.N. at Fond du Lac County's long-term care facility. Dr. Kichak Kovacs also has 10 years experience as an optician and optometric technician.
Born and raised in Mercer, Wisconsin, Dr. Kichak Kovacs completed her graduate studies at Western University of Health Sciences College of Optometry. Dr. Kichak Kovacs provides comprehensive eye care, including dry eye and glaucoma diagnosis and treatment as well as expertise in all types of contact lenses.
Dr. Jessamyn Kichak Kovacs and her husband, along with their two children, enjoy all the outdoor recreation the Northwoods has to offer.
Education and Licenses
Undergaduate Degree: BS Biology, University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point
(Stevens Point, WI)
Optometry School: Doctor of Optometry, Western University of Health
Sciences College of Optometry (Pomona, CA).
Additional Education: Associate Degree in Nursing (R.N.), Northeast
Wisconsin Technical College (Green Bay, WI).
Licenses: Wisconsin, certified to diagnose and treat diseases and
injuries to the eyes, Registered Nurse.
Special Interest/Research: Diagnosis and treatment of dry eyes, cataract
management, nutraceuticals and eye health, diagnosis and management of glaucoma, and contact lenses including multifocal lenses.
Hospital Affiliations: Howard Young Medical Center, Aspirus Eagle River
Hospital, Park Falls/Flambeau Medical Center